
Ocak, 2021 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

11th Week

 Hello, everyone. This past week was more efficient than the ones before. Firstly while waiting for my friends' finals to end I read more articles about our project topic. I took notes and shared them with my friends. LAter this week we talked about adding new materials into our project such as survey. We talked about the details and everything. Our work as this week made it obvious is going good. We only have few things to work. See you on next and the final week 

10th Week

 Hello. I wish I could post a blog entry that is longer and more detailed but this week was nothing like I expected. I'm sorry to be not active on the process. This week I only revised the introduction I wrote and looked through the articles I bookmarked. Yet it was not scanning, I can say I did some skimming. We didn't have any meetings but as we talked before  we will focus on the project more after the finals end. This is all for this week. 

9th Week

 Hello everyone. Today I want to talk about the process of the project we're working on as usual. This week was rather bussier as we have our final exams and assignments. Unfortunately I couldn't do anything proper this week. I only bookmarked some articles on Mendeley. I couldn't even read them but I believe I will have read by the end of the week. However, we didn't waste our time. We had a Zoom meeting with our teacher. We asked some of the questions we had in mind. We mentioned some of the problems we faced while searching our topic. In the end the meeting was really informative and pur teacher helped us get some ideas on how to move forward with the project.  After the meeting we also discussed some points as a group. We decided to create opportunities from  the struggles we were facing. Now I have a clearer mind about everything we do. 

8th Week of Training

 Hi, today I will be talking about an another week of our project's process. This week I was assigned to search and create a text about the good examples of synchronous online distance learning tools.However, we did not have any online meetings because of my friends' busy schedule so I did my part on my own. As far as we have talked, we will, of course, contribute to each other's parts and fix the text if there are any issues.  I did my search mostly on Zoom and Microsoft Teams and their use/benefits to distance learning. I found some articles about the mentioned tools yet I don't think what I found is enough since I couldn't do a proper, wider search because of my final assignments.  I highlighted everything I found important on the articles and divided them into sub-sets to create the whole text. What I failed to do was creating the text. There are two major reasons of my failure. First, I couldn't bring the information together in a good structured way. Secon