Hi everyone!! Hope you are having a great day. Today I will share two different apps, both of which offers a better learning environment for students, to use for your lessons. As you know students give their attentions more if the lesson is interesting and easy for them to understand. Mindmeister and nearpod makes it happen for students. Nearpod allows students to enjoy slides, videos and games made for the lesson while mindmeister lets you make mind maps to teach any lesson or sum up lessons. Hope this review gives an idea about how to make better use of online materials for your lessons.

Mindmeister is an online mind mapping app. You can have a basic, personal or pro versions. personal version is $4.99 while pro version $8.25 and business version is $12.49. Don't worry basic version is free. However, what each version includes is different. Basic version only allows
up to 3 maps and real time collabs while other versions offer unlimited maps. To create your map, you can choose the templates that are already given by the app like aligned, org charted or brainstorming templates. You have many options to make your maps better and more interesting. After making a map you can add another slide as its follow up. You can share your maps with your students or you can share them for public so anyone searching with similar titles can see your map as well. There's also comments and like/dislike part for all the maps. This app makes complicated patterns easier to understand and makes you enjoy studying. It does not take time to create those maps as well as not taking a lot of time to study those maps. It is a material that can save time and your energy.
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