TPACK and SAMR Models
Hello guys. Today I won't be posting about a tool that you can use for your lessons, I will be talking about two models that you can use for your lessons. As you know, technology is a big part of our teaching process. So, a model that can help teachers to teach effeciently using technology is a must. A model called TPACK was designed by Mishar and Kohler in 2016 for this aim. It's a model that combines the content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and technology knowledge. TPACK is about what teachers know (content), how technology is used (technology knowledge) and how they teach (pedagogical knowledge). Let's talk about those domains.

Content Knowledge is teachers' expertise of the subject like math, language, science and more. It includes facts and concepts of any subject that are being taught.
Pedagogical Knowledge is how teachers teach the subject. It includes the instructional strategies and teaching methods. This knowledge helps teachers design and effective, successful lessons for their students.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge is intersection of pedagogical and content knowledge. It's the knowledge of how to engage students in learning. It is how you teach each content. For example, how you teach arts and math differs so you use different methods or approaches to teach those two subjects.
Technological Knowledge is teachers' knowledge of the technological tools. This knowledge is not only knowing the tools but how to integrate them in your teaching.
Technological Content Knowledge refers to how technology is used for the subject. For example, you can use videos or photographs of the process of a geographical event for students better understaing of the subject during a geography lesson.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge is teachers' understaning of how to choose the right technology tools for the lessons. For example, teachers can use collabration tools to make their students share their studies with each other or presentation tools like Powerpoint for students to present their learnings of the wubject.
So where those three domains combines is the core of TPACK model teachers understanding of how tools can enhance teaching effectively.
Second model I want to mention is SAMR model. It's a framework that categorizes four different stages of teaching and teachnology integration.The first two stages are about enhancing the teaching process while the last two is transforming. SAMR means substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition. It can be viewed as a ladder but the bottom which is the substitution can be used for particular lesson.

Substutition is the stage where a technology is directly substitutied for traditonal one. It is a replacement. For example, using a web document instead of a hard copy or writing a essay on a computer instead of a paper. Using presentation tools like slides are also included in substitution stage.
Augmentation stage includes technology instead of traditional ways but in this stage more significant tools are used. For example, using not only a web document but including videos, photos about the subject on the document.
Modificatiob stage is a transformation stage on the model. This includes using any multimedia resources while presenting new products. It allows a significant task redesign.
Redefinition is the stage that represents how technology can transform students' experience. For example, an essay can be transformed into a video. This stage also allows the interaction for better learning.
I hope these two models can be useful for your teaching process.

Content Knowledge is teachers' expertise of the subject like math, language, science and more. It includes facts and concepts of any subject that are being taught.
Pedagogical Knowledge is how teachers teach the subject. It includes the instructional strategies and teaching methods. This knowledge helps teachers design and effective, successful lessons for their students.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge is intersection of pedagogical and content knowledge. It's the knowledge of how to engage students in learning. It is how you teach each content. For example, how you teach arts and math differs so you use different methods or approaches to teach those two subjects.
Technological Knowledge is teachers' knowledge of the technological tools. This knowledge is not only knowing the tools but how to integrate them in your teaching.
Technological Content Knowledge refers to how technology is used for the subject. For example, you can use videos or photographs of the process of a geographical event for students better understaing of the subject during a geography lesson.
Technological Pedagogical Knowledge is teachers' understaning of how to choose the right technology tools for the lessons. For example, teachers can use collabration tools to make their students share their studies with each other or presentation tools like Powerpoint for students to present their learnings of the wubject.
So where those three domains combines is the core of TPACK model teachers understanding of how tools can enhance teaching effectively.
Second model I want to mention is SAMR model. It's a framework that categorizes four different stages of teaching and teachnology integration.The first two stages are about enhancing the teaching process while the last two is transforming. SAMR means substitution, augmentation, modification and redefinition. It can be viewed as a ladder but the bottom which is the substitution can be used for particular lesson.

Substutition is the stage where a technology is directly substitutied for traditonal one. It is a replacement. For example, using a web document instead of a hard copy or writing a essay on a computer instead of a paper. Using presentation tools like slides are also included in substitution stage.
Augmentation stage includes technology instead of traditional ways but in this stage more significant tools are used. For example, using not only a web document but including videos, photos about the subject on the document.
Modificatiob stage is a transformation stage on the model. This includes using any multimedia resources while presenting new products. It allows a significant task redesign.
Redefinition is the stage that represents how technology can transform students' experience. For example, an essay can be transformed into a video. This stage also allows the interaction for better learning.
I hope these two models can be useful for your teaching process.
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