6th Week of Training

 Sadly I couldn't join this week's session because of health conditions. But my dear teacher uploaded the recordings of the session on Dropbox so I was able to follow what happened during the lesson. We were assigned with the article "Teaching Materials" by Matsuda (2012) before the sessions. Article basically focused on criteria for choosing materials, ELT coursebooks, selecting and creating supplemental materials. So we had knowledge about the topic beforehand like the other weeks. We were also asked to bring an ELT coursebook that we had used in our middle or high schools to make some evaluations. (I will talk about it later on.)

 Firstly, in the session they were seperated into groups to discuss pre and post reading questions related to the article from assignment. I had a chance to watch all groups for few minutes thanks to the recording. Most of them, like me, believed that materials played the role of the input source. They wanted ELT materials to have more global context with variety of cultures included. They also stated that listening activities would be better if included variety of accents/dialects. Since I only had a chance to watch not be included in discussions, it was a bit weird experience yet informative. After group discussions, whole-class discussion made. Mostly the ideas were similar to each other and I'm very happy about that because almost all ideas had similar important points for material use. This makes me have hope for a better ELT circumstances for future.If I remember correctly, during group discussions the coursebooks we were asked to bring were also discussed. For the first group, our friend showed few books that had more global context and content but I have to mention that she went to private school and that might be why the coursebooks were better than public school ones. After all discussions were made, our teacher assigned every one with their project group to desing a task on global basis like including different varieties of cultures in the activity. But groups were not asked to design the task at that very moment but asked to talk about general points before designing and decide.The session's educational part - i don't know how to word it better for now- was over after  group disccusions were made andwhole-class questions regarding to the task and overall project were answered. During the last session, they talked about everything about their current lives and struggles as students. A very geniune conversation were held , I can say. I realized how hard it became to sustain online education once again. However, everyone even in such a difficult time with so many responsibilities were happy with the training. I also was/am  happy with our lessons. We all learned something. Thanks to our lessons, I not only gained more knowledge about online tools for educations, global Englishes, copyright and licensing, ICT and more but also gained to ability to think critically and ask more questions, ability to not decide on an idea before discussing, to share opinions and to listen more carefully. Thus, having those lessons were important for me. I also feel like I'm becoming an expert on topics we discussed. (Ignore my exaggeration) I know we have as many things as we have learned to learn. Our lessons showed me that learning is never enough.

For the next weeks, we will be creating our websites and I will be informing you about the process with weekly posts like I did with our lessons.  

The task we designed: 


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